Coil Cooling Tower is an equipment which is used to cool and maintain the temperature of process hot water at a particular level. This operates on the principle of heat transfer by a heat exchanger with extended fins. The fan is deiven by an Electric Motor. Applying dry cooling means saving water. Dry Cooling Tower is mounted on a heavy duty channel base frame. Non corrosive fibre glass / GI panels are used for enclosure. Aero dynamically balanced high efficiency axial flow fans with low noise are used. The motors are IP 55 class with extended SS shaft. The low speed of the motor minimises noise and increases efficiency. Motors are specially designed to withstand moisture, rain and dust. The hot water from the diesel engine is sent to the inlet of the Dry Cooling Tower. This hot water is cooled and cold water from the outlet of the cooling tower is connected to a pump which pumps the water to the diesel engine (or any other load) to pick up the heat from the generator.